Boost your income: To increase your take-home pay, working moremay be a possibility, or you may be able to take a more lucrative career path. Our main advice on this topic is to keep your priorities in order. You shouldn’t put your personal health and relationships on the back burner for a workaholic schedule. We also believe in investing in your education. A solid education is the path to greater financial rewards and leads to all of the great goals we discuss here. Education is key not only for your chosen profession but also for real estate investing. Consider getting a real estate license or learn to be an appraiser or property man- ager — skills that not only help you with your property investing but that also may allow you to take on part-time work to supplement your income.
Reduce your spending: For most people, this is the path to increased savings. We have both routinely generated cash flow for investments by living well beneath our means. Start by analyzing how much you expend on different areas (for instance, food, clothing, insurance) each month. After you’ve got the data, decide where and how you want to
cut back. Would you rather eat out less or have a maid come less often? How about driving a less expensive (but not less safe) car versus taking lower cost vacations? Although the possibilities to reduce your spend- ing are many, you and only you can decide which options you’re willing and able to implement.
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